Monday, May 30, 2011

Member of the week

I know what you thinking..its only monday so how can we have a member of the week?
Well Ginger and Mac aka borders2 see pic...

They have well and truely deserved "member of the week" award with this handy work.

So members think we alot of catching up to get destroying....

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Just updating everyone, we have 2 new members..err sorry 3 new members hee hee.

So a big welcome to DarcyBorder and Molly and Jack (@clairemarie_85)

Time to earn your patches now get destroying them toys


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Your gang needs you!!!

Well it appears to us that our members are slacking in the art of destructo and we too are guilty of this crime....
But it appears we have one member who is living up to being the proud member of Destructogang.
That acolade goes to......drum roll please.....
La Muttsbutt

Here is the member of the week with some of her handy work......

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Members

Hi, Its Ted and Issac taking charge of this blog for while as Miss Pish Posh has family commitments so bear with us....BOL

We have 2 new members today Sammy Beagle and Cedric Puglet and pics underneath showing their handywork.....Destructo!!!

We are calling all members to keep up the good work and get posting the pics...

Your Destructogang needs you....... Stay safe members!!!