Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Retirement of the Day - Classic


Room Assignment
Phase I - Room 1243
Wylie's (or as I hear it...Zoe's...) hedgehog has been assigned a newly redecorated room right next to the largest pool.

Congratulations Wylie! 


Zoetheborder said...

Hey, dat my hedgehog! Wylie said he knew nuffing about any hedgehogs, but he sure looks guilty in dat pic...

Bobbie & Cocoa Puff said...

Great Job Wylie!! *whispers* think @zoetheborder might be jealous

Unknown said...

BOL! Wylie is such a scamp! I cannot believe he would steal Zoe's hedgehog and annihilate it so. Poor Zoe...

LaMutt's Butt said...

Oh Wylie Wyles! You look sooooo handsome & strong! *sighs longingly* You be da King of #destructogang!